Thursday, March 25, 2010


And so I am here today to state the obvious.

I'll be taking a little break from food for awhile.


Yes, I know I have to eat the stuff, but I certainly don't have to think about it, much less do elaborate blog posts on it until I feel better.

Like, maybe in 4 weeks? (I hope!)

Right now I'm making dinner with my setting on"automatic." What, you don't have this setting? It's awesome! A definite must-have setting for a busy Mama, or at least one who is in the throes of First Trimester and cannot even look at raw meat without retching.

Think Irona from that inane cartoon Richie Rich:

1. In monotone, with no thinking or emotion at all, select a package of meat from your freezer.
2. Grab the meat and throw it into the kitchen sink to thaw.
3. When thawed, throw meat into skillet with olive oil. Cover immediately.
4. Dump various spices on top of meat, and start rice cooker.
5. Check meat (while breathing through your mouth) turn if absolutely necessary.
6. Chop up veggies. Cooking them is optional.
7. Set the table, hand out milk and quickly serve food.
8. Pour granola and milk into your own bowl and go eat in the livingroom.

No, no pictures. No autographs either, sorry. I know it's pretty amazing, these dinners I can throw at my family whilst imagining I am on some deserted island where there is no food at all.

Talented, that's what I am.

And so, until I can be a bit more... inspiring? I'll be taking it easy.

Doing my duties with love, of course, even though the joyful zeal may be lacking.


1 comment:

Sephora said...

Eeeck. Too bad everyone else has to eat. Continued prayers over here!